Action for the Betterment of the Community
1807 Williams St. PO Box 188, Sturgis
Phone: (605) 347-2991
Website: http://sturgisabc.wixsite.com/sturgisabc
Addiction Recovery Center of the Black Hills
1520 Haines Avenue, Suite 6 Rapid City, SD 57701
Phone: (605) 716-7841 or Crisis Line: (605) 519-1987
Website: www.arcbh.org
Behavior Management Systems
623 Dahl Road, Spearfish
Phone: (605) 642-2777
Website: www.BMSCares.org
Bella Pregnancy Resource Center
119 E. Grant Street, Suite 2, Spearfish
Phone: (605) 642-4140
Website: http://bellapregnancy.com/
Belle Fourche Counseling, LLC
515 National St. Suite 103, Belle Fourche
Phone: (605) 722-8090
Website: http://www.bellefourchechamber.org/business/belle-fourche-counseling/
Belle Fourche Police Department
1010 8th Ave, Belle Fourche
Phone: (605) 892-4354
Website: http://www.bellefourche.org/pd
Belle Fourche Public Library
905 5th Ave, Belle Fourche
Phone: (605) 892-4407
Website: http://www.bellefourche.org/library
Black Hills Counseling Services
1238 Main St., Sturgis
Phone: (605) 720-8090
Email: bhcounseling1@vastbb.net
Black Hills Psychology
115 N. 7th St., Spearfish
Phone: (605) 645-0100
Website: www.blackhillspsychology.com
Black Hills Special Services Cooperative
2885 Dickson Drive, Sturgis
(605) 347-6260
Website: https://bhssc.org/
Butte County Sheriff's Department
839 5th Ave, Belle Fourche
Phone: (605) 892-3324
Website: https://www.buttesd.org/sheriffs-office
Career Learning Center of the Black Hills
730 E. Watertown Street, Rapid City
Phone: (605) 394-5120
Website: http://clcbh.org/
Catholic Social Services
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
844 N. 5th Street, Spearfish
Phone: (605) 642-2306
St. Francis Church
1049 Howard St., Sturgis
Phone: (605) 720-3579
Website: https://catholicsocialservicesrapidcity.com/
City/County Alcohol and Drug Programs
725 N. Lacrosse Street, Suite 300, Rapid City
Phone: (605) 394-6128 or Detox (605) 394-6128 ext. 3
Website: www.pennco.org/sheriff/
Compass Point
1807 Williams St. PO Box 277, Sturgis
Phone: (605) 347-3003 or Inpatient (605) 787-9200
710 E. Colorado Boulevard, Suite A, Spearfish
Phone: (605) 642-7093
Website: http://www.thecompasspoint.org/
Compassion Cupboard
613 5th Ave, Belle Fourche
Phone: 605-660-8371
Crisis Care Center
121 North Street, Rapid City
Phone: 605-391-4863
Website: http://www.crisiscarecenter.org/
Deadwood Public Library
435 Williams Street, Deadwood
Phone: (605) 578-2821
Deadwood Police Department
100 Sherman Street, Deadwood
Phone: (605) 578-2623
Website: http://www.cityofdeadwood.com/
Department of Social Services (TANF, Economic Assistance & Child Care Assistance)
Belle Fourche - 609 5th Avenue, Belle Fourche
Phone: (605) 892-2731
Deadwood - 20 Cliff Street, Deadwood
Phone: (605) 578-2402
Sturgis - 2200 W. Main Street, Sturgis
Phone: (605) 347-2588
Website: https://dss.sd.gov/
Early Childhood Connections
2218 Jackson Boulevard, Suite 4, Rapid City
Phone: (605) 342-6464
Website: http://earlychildhoodconnections.com/
Funk Counseling
526 Main Street, Lower Level, Spearfish
Phone: (605) 722-0795
Website: www.funkcounseling.com
Hadley Recreation Center
845 Miners Ave, Lead
Phone: (605) 584-1113
Website: https://www.handleyrecreationcenter.com/
Helpline Center-Suicide and Crisis Support
Phone: (800) 273-8255, 211 or (605) 339-4357
Website: www.helplinecenter.org
Job Services Office
1300 N. Avenue, Spearfish
Phone: (605) 642-6900
1401 Lazelle Street, Sturgis
Phone: (605) 641-0965
Website: http://dlr.sd.gov/
Lawrence County Assistance Program
90 Sherman Street, Deadwood
Phone: 605-578-1941
Website: http://www.lawrence.sd.us/couasst.htm
Lawrence County Sheriff's Department
78 Sherman Street, Deadwood
Phone: (605)578-2230
Website: http://www.lawrence.sd.us/Sheriff/sheriffs.htm
Lead Police Department
801 W. Main St., Lead
Phone: (605) 584-1615
Website: http://cityoflead.com/policedepartment.html
Love INC.
180 Old Stone Road, Sturgis
Phone: (605) 718-5683
Website: http://www.loveinconline.com/event/life-inc-sturgis/
Phone: (800) 332-1782
Website: http://puc.sd.gov/lifeline/
Lord's Cupboard
111 S. Main St., Lead
Phone: (605) 584-3263
Website: http://cityoflead.com/organizations.html
Lord's Kitchen-Black Hills Baptist Church
12205 SD Highway 34, Whitewood
Phone: (605) 645-6836
Website: http://www.blackhillsbaptistchurch.org/
Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
Phone: (800) 233-8503
Website: https://www.benefits.gov/benefits/benefit-details/1574
Lutheran Social Services- Canyon Hills Center
2519 Windmill Dr., Spearfish
Phone: (605) 559-3500
Website: https://www.lsssd.org/
Meade County Sheriff's Department
1400 Main St, Sturgis, SD 57785
Phone: (605) 347-2681
Website: https://www.meadecounty.org/
Mommy's Closet-VOA
111 New York Street, Rapid City
Phone: (605) 341-8336
Website: https://www.voanr.org/mommy-closet
My CISSters Closet
1324 Main Street, Sturgis
Phone: (605) 347-0227
Meeting Location: 623 Dahl Road, Spearfish
Phone: (800) 551-2531
Website: https://www.nami.org/
Northern Hills GED Credentials Program
2885 Dickson Drive, Sturgis
Phone: (605) 381-5598
Open Bible Church
2121 Colorado Drive, Sturgis
Phone: (605) 347-4381
Red Horse Healing
11424 Chimney Canyon Road, Piedmont
Phone: (605) 441-2038
Website: https://www.facebook.com/bridgetredhorsehealing/
Regional Health Medical Clinic
2140 Junction Ave, Sturgis
Phone: (605) 720-2600
1445 N. Avenue, Spearfish
Phone: (605) 644-4170
2200 13th Avenue, Belle Fourche
Phone: (605) 723-8970
61 Charles Street, Deadwood
Phone: (605) 717-6008
Website: https://www.regionalhealth.com/
Salvation Army
320 Ryan Road, Spearfish
Phone: (605) 642-0924
Website: https://centralusa.salvationarmy.org/
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
137 E Illinois St, Spearfish, SD 57783
Phone: (605) 717-2499
Website: https://www.facebook.com/svdptsspearfish/
South Dakota Quitline
Phone: (866) 737-8487
Website: https://www.sdquitline.com/
Spearfish Food Pantry
131 Yankee St., Spearfish
Phone: (605) 642-0940
Website: http://www.spearfishpantry.net/
Spearfish Police Department
625 N. 5th St., Spearfish
Phone: (605) 642-1305
Website: https://www.cityofspearfish.com/departments/police/
Spearfish Public Library
625 N. 5th St., Spearfish
Phone: (605) 642-1330
Website: https://www.cityofspearfish.com/departments/grace_balloch_
Stronghold Counseling Services
1320 North Avenue
Phone: (605) 334-7713
Website: http://www.strongholdcounseling.com/
Sturgis Police Department
1400 Main St., Sturgis
Phone: (605) 347-2573
Website: https://www.sturgis-sd.gov/police-department
Sturgis Public Library
1040 2nd St. #101, Sturgis
Phone: (605) 347-2624
Website: http://sturgispubliclibrary.blogspot.com/
Treasures Thrift Store
714 N. 5th St. Spearfish
Phone: (605) 722-1046
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Treasures-Thrift-Store-653815941304116/
Twin City Clothing Center
300 S. Main St., Lead
Phone: (605) 717-0739
VA Black Hills Health Care Systems
113 Comanche Rd., Fort Meade
Phone: (605) 347-2511
Website: www.blackhills.va.gov